Woman planting

Climate resilient systems

Female farmers high five

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Climate change increasingly influences all aspects of people’s lives. Our climate resilience programs are locally-led, integrated, and backed by data to bring forth lasting solutions to our most pressing issues.

We focus on disaster relief, education, health and food systems, and risk reduction in over 20 countries.

Local Solutions to Local Problems

Climate change affects the entire globe, but the most crucial action must be at local levels. We engage those most impacted by climate change within communities.

We work with these communities to find solutions to the impacts of climate change and to help build resilience. We also mobilize volunteers who bring skills and solutions to  support climate change adaptation across communities, health centers and schools.

With our partners, VSO facilitates integrated solutions that tackle the effects of climate change holistically. Read more to learn how our approach touches multiple facets of the lives of those we serve and work alongside. 

Our Process: Integrated Climate Programs

Climate Disaster Recovery

Climate disasters require system level responses. That’s why we train our partners within these communities to be best prepared for when disaster strikes.

Our volunteers mobilize and facilitate locally led  relief services. We are especially focused on the most marginalized, namely women, youth, and people with disabilities.


We work hand-in-hand with local governments to design and deliver action plans based on the specific needs of each community. These plans give voice to communities, govern their actions, and teach them how to engage with their local governments.

Adaptation planning is also just as crucial as relief efforts for communities already experience climate change losses.

Education Access

Climate loss impacts access to education. By engaging with teachers and communities and developing action plans, we’re ensuring that climate disaster doesn’t interrupt education by providing continuity in education despite climate related school closures.

We ensure school infrastructure is safe; work with teachers to prepare take home packets in the event of a school closure; and ensure clean-ups are focused on schools whenever possible.

Health Outcomes

We are working with local governments to determine the overall risks and impact of climate change on health. Our research is focused on supporting health providers to strengthen climate resilience and adaptation within health services to reduce  health service disruption and continue to secure overall health outcomes.

We are working to implement health system climate adaptation to monitor health service disruption and contribute to climate resilient health systems.

Food Supply & Agroecology

We work with communities and individuals to support them as they develop sustainable, nutrient dense, and hardy food sources and work together to improve their local food systems.

As the climate changes, we must adapt to the new conditions, including developing long lasting and healthy food sources that can withstand change in climate including flood, drought and excessive heat.

Local & Youth Advocacy

Youth leadership in development is a critical tenet of tackling the climate change issues the next generation faces.

VSO has established national youth platforms in over 15 countries, which enable youth to access knowledge and skills to contribute to climate adaptation at community and system level, while building an evidence base for advocacy and policy through research and monitoring of climate risks and solutions.

Youth platforms are taking recommendations to local governments, and scaling up climate adaptation solutions, ensuring the future is bright. 

Youth farmers


In Kenya, VSO provided technical support to three County Government Agencies to climate risk assessments and inclusive  climate adaptation plans, which are leading to funding for climate adaptation for communities including agroecology, climate resilient food systems and health solutions. 

Smiling girl

Pakistan and Nepal

In Pakistan, over 100 schools have been supported to develop climate resilient safe school plans.

In Nepal, 16 Health Institutions and 30 schools have developed climate adaptation plans.

Smiling man

The Philippines

In the Philippines, conflict-affected communities have been supported to develop climate and peace plans which are leading to transformation in fisheries, coastal management plans and environmental protection. We are partnering with UNFAO to support climate risk monitoring systems.

National volunteer Prisca RS81975

Nigeria & Malawi

Youth volunteers have been evidencing  climate ‘Loss and Damage’ including loss of property, ecological damage and nutritional, health and education impacts on households following climate emergencies. They are supporting communities and government agencies with recovery and resilience responses. 

Other VSO program areas

Girl with book

Advancing education

We believe every child deserves access to a quality education. Our work strengthening systems helps bring inclusive and equitable education globally.


Enhancing health and wellbeing

We are committed to improving outcomes for marginalized communities across the world.

Former fisherwoman with her floating vegetable garden

Creating resilient livelihoods

We support access to stable economic livelihoods to help the vulnerable populations support themselves and their families.

Become a VSO USA Partner

We depend on the support of our generous partners to make an impact in over 20 countries. Visit our partnerships page to learn more about how you or your organization can support our efforts. 

VSO USA Partnerships