Deaf volunteer

Enhancing health and wellbeing

At VSO USA, we are deeply committed to enhancing the health and wellbeing of marginalized and disadvantaged communities. In the fiscal year 2023-24, our health initiatives reached nearly 200,000 people, focusing on some of the most vulnerable groups such as women, babies, youth, people with disabilities, and prisoners.

Our approach to health is rooted in the principles of social accountability, resilience, social inclusion, and gender mainstreaming. We work closely with individuals, families, health workers, communities, and governments to improve health services and rights.

Through our Volunteering for Development (VfD) methodology, we aim to bring about sustainable and locally-led changes that make a real difference in people's lives.

Explore our health initiatives

Baby in blanket

Maternal and newborn health

Learn how we're improving access to quality healthcare for mothers and babies.


Inclusive sexual and reproductive health and rights

Discover our efforts to support the most vulnerable people in realizing their sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Prison inmate

Prison health

Find out how we're enhancing the health and wellbeing of marginalized and neglected prison populations.

Ready to make a difference in healthcare?

Join us today

Related links

Girl with book

Advancing education

We believe every child deserves access to a quality education. Our work strengthening systems helps bring inclusive and equitable education globally.

Former fisherwoman with her floating vegetable garden

Creating resilient livelihoods

We support access to stable economic livelihoods to help the vulnerable populations support themselves and their families.

Volunteer laughs with girl in wheelchair

Our work

We bring about lasting change by working through volunteers and partners to empower communities in some of the world’s poorest regions.